Saturday, October 30, 2021

Police Warn of IRD Phone Scam


New Zealand Police

Police want to warn people to be wary of another phone scam circulating at the moment. 

In this case callers receive a call from someone claiming to be the Inland Revenue Department who then attempts to obtain the victim's credit card information.

The phone number the scammers use is a New Zealand number, however it’s likely the offender is offshore.

These kinds of scams run constantly and while most people will not respond or buy into them, some people are more vulnerable.

We urge people to have conversations with vulnerable or elderly family members, to help ensure they are aware of the tactics often used by scammers and don't become victims.

Please remember that government agencies will never contact you out of the blue and ask for your password, credit card or bank details.

Police’s message on scams like this is simple – do not engage with anyone on the phone if you think you are being scammed – hang up immediately and report the incident.

If you are in doubt as to a caller's legitimacy, ask if you can call them back, or just hang up.

Anyone who believes they are a victim of a scam, in person, over the phone or online, should immediately report it to their bank, and then to their local Police.

Pigeon Post News

Friday, October 29, 2021

Eelco Boswijk Civic Awards - Postponed


The Nelson City Council has postponed the Eelco Boswijk Civic Award celebrations due to Covid-19 restrictions on event numbers.

Nelson City Council has partnered with the City of Nelson Civic Trust and Nelson Mail for the 2021 awards, named after the late Eelco Boswijk, who established the popular Chez Eelco Café in Nelson in the 1960s.

The awards recognise those in our community who go above and beyond to enrich the lives of others, as Eelco did. 

Award nominations were received earlier this year, and the winners of the five categories have been chosen. An awards ceremony was due to take place in early November.

The categories are:

  • City of Nelson Civic Trust Community Hero
  • Nelson Pine Change​ ​​Maker
  • NBS Bank Leadership
  • Nelmac Kaitiakitanga
  • Nelson City Council Smart Little City.

However, due to Covid-19 restrictions on event numbers and the Council’s desire to celebrate with as many of the nominees and their supporters as possible, the Eelco Boswijk Civic Award ceremony will instead take place in April 2022.

The Council will contact all nominees in February 2022 to confirm their attendance at the April event.

The sponsors are City of Nelson Civic Trust, Nelson Pine, NBS, Nelmac and Council, the winners of each of the five award categories will receive a $1000 donation to a local charity of their choice.

The initiative was inspired by one of Eelco’s acts of generosity – a $1000 sponsorship grant to Dame Suzie Moncrieff for the fledgeling Wearable Art. 

Smallholder Farmers - Farm Environment Plans

Farming Information

Tasman District Council are running an online event with NZ Landcare Trust for lifestyle block and smallholders. This event will cover how to create a farm environmental plan for your property and include a template and other resources. This will be held on Monday 1 November, from 7pm - 8.30pm.

Please register for the event here:

This will be followed by an optional face to face or online meeting where people can get more one on one help with their plan, mapping and discuss actions. This will be held later in November.

Farm Environment Plans

Nelson Marine Safety Expo - Boat Safety

The two Marine Safety Expo days at the Akersten Street Boat Ramp will offer:

  • Free safety checks
  • Visual engine checks
  • Life jacket checks
  • Information on locator beacons and use of marine radio
  • Demonstrations
  • Display boats
  • Plus there are some great prizes to be won!

The first Marine Safety Expo is on this Sunday 31 October, if you can’t make it, then there is another Marine Safety Expo on 13 November. Both are from 10am-2pm at the Akersten Street boat ramp.

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to get ready for summer; come along and meet your local harbourmasters, marine search and rescue, Marlborough Nelson Marine Radio, Coastguard New Zealand, Surf Life Saving New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, Maritime NZ and Fire and Emergency NZ

Free safety checks and demonstrations will be available, plus have a look at the new state-of-the-art Coastguard Nelson boat Hohapata – Sealord Rescue, and check out the Nelson SUP Club and Whakatū Marae Waka Ama Club.

Come along, grab a sausage, and go in the draw to win some great prizes. 

Nelson Harbour Master, Coastguard Nelson Nelson Boating Community Group, Nelson Surf life Saving Club, Nelson, Marlborough - Fire and Emergency.


The Nelson Harbour Master has noted:

“Excited for the first Marine Safety Expo this Sunday, 10:00-14:00.

Below is the area that will be used for stalls, boats, fire trucks etc.

We will cone off Sat evening so appreciate efforts to keep it clear.

Look forward to seeing you!”

Akersten Street boat ramp - area in yellow will be coned off for Expo
 Pigeon Post News

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Two COVID-19 cases notified in Christchurch last evening

Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins

The Ministry of Health was notified last evening of two positive COVID-19 cases in Christchurch from the same household.  One member of the household had recently returned to Christchurch from Auckland.

"The local public health unit is gathering information from the cases to identify close contacts and exposure events, including any locations of interest. The Ministry will undertake a public health risk assessment of the situation this morning and a further update will be provided after that" the Ministry of Health said today.

The two Covid-19 cases were not using the contact tracing app regularly and one may have been infectious in the community for almost two weeks "I think it was almost two weeks ago they arrived. It's over a week, they have had some time in Christchurch to be out and about potentially exposing people." Hipkins told Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB "any infections outside the current alert levels was worrying."

Hipkins told RNZ that "he cannot rule out a snap lockdown in Christchurch, but officials were still waiting on more information before making that call. He said they expect to make a decision at 1pm."

"Both the cases are unvaccinated, and I think there is at least one other household that's been identified with close contacts so they will be working to get in touch with them to make sure they are isolating and tested "Hipkins said.

Hopkins on told TVNZ Breakfast asked the public again to get vaccinated. He said "it was now not if the virus would get to those unvaccinated, but when." " Covid-19 is on our doorstep."`


The area of Christchurch involved is Bishopedale with three households involved containing nine people with one of the covid affected persons being a truck driver.

Hipkins is holding Christchurch at alert Level 2.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Tasman seeking positive flow-ons following Three Waters mandate announcement

Tim King Mayor Tasman District Council

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced on Wednesday that the central government would be mandating the Three Waters reform proposal to amalgamate 67 local councils into four national entities, without an option to opt-out. 

Tasman Mayor Tim King said that the decision to not provide more time to work through the issues and options and to mandate the reforms through legislation was disappointing, given the feedback provided by councils across New Zealand. 

 “It was perhaps inevitable given the Government’s case is built around all New Zealand’s three waters assets being included,” King said. 

King said the only certainties that were known at this stage were the removal of the opt-out opportunity and that the reforms would come into effect in 2024.  

All the other details that relate to Tasman District Council’s submission and many others around ownership, governance and local influence over future decision making, remain unclear at this point.  

The Council does understand that the Murchison area would be serviced as part Entity C along with the rest of the Tasman area.  

King said the Council had put a lot of time and effort into examining the implications of the proposals for the district, in conjunction with our neighbouring top of the south councils and the wider local government sector. 

He also acknowledged that the high level of correspondence and concerns received from residents and ratepayers reflected the scale and importance of the issue and that these concerns are unlikely to be resolved by today’s decision. 

Feedback provided by Tasman and other councils around the country in recent weeks had highlighted these issues and concerns.  

Informed by the overall feedback, the Government will establish a working group, which will include expertise from across local government, water industry experts and iwi, to partner to refine outstanding elements of the reforms. 

Work will continue on governance and representation, the interface with the Resource Management Act, and transition for rural water supplies. Legislation is expected before Christmas. 

Matters relating to pricing and the transition pathway to economic regulation will be explored over the next few months – including a consultation document. 

The Government has also scheduled ongoing communications and engagement, including public submissions and hearings, as part of the legislative process. Tasman District Council will be requesting that those opportunities to submit and be heard are provided to residents and ratepayers in our region.  

King said with no opt-out available, it was important that Tasman’s needs were reflected in all discussions leading up to the implementation of the Three Waters reform and we will continue to engage in those processes wherever possible. 

“Given the Government’s decision to mandate the reforms, what is important for us right now is to get the best outcome for our residents and ratepayers under the new structure and to continue managing and maintaining our current three waters assets during the period of transition”.   

Tasman District Council
Pigeon Post News

The Government Is Forcing Three Waters Reform on Communities and Councils

Three Waters Reform

Despite concerns from Councils around the country and responses from Nelson City Council and Tasman District  Council the three water reforms are going to be forced on all Councils and the public no matter what the cost to ratepayers it may be.

The Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta confirmed today that four water entities will be established and that these entities will take over all the water assets of Councils. The Minister will introduce legislation to Parliament.

The proposed four water entities have such a complex structure that the local voice of communities and direct control by some councils is going to be thwarted. Now the only way to change this is in the select committee stages of the new legislation.

The Press release by Minister Nanaia Mahuta:

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta today confirmed the Government will create four publicly owned water entities to ensure every New Zealander has access to affordable, long-lasting drinking, waste and stormwater infrastructure without ballooning costs to households and families.

“The case for change is too compelling to ignore. It is clear that without the establishment of these publicly-owned entities we will continue to see a frail network and contaminated water in many communities. To delay will only push the problem on, increase future household costs and put livelihoods at risk,” said Nanaia Mahuta.

“These reforms have been long-signalled. In our manifesto we committed to tackling big issues that others have long neglected in order to future-proof New Zealand. We are taking action to ensure safe, clean water for all communities in New Zealand for generations to come, protecting households from ballooning costs, and better preparing for the compounding impacts of climate change,” Nanaia Mahuta said.

It is estimated $185 billion is needed to fix, upgrade and maintain New Zealand’s water services over the next 30 years, to ensure that critical water infrastructure is maintained. 

“New Zealanders simply cannot afford to follow the status quo facing costs of between $1900 and $9000 over the next 30 years, depending on location. Under reform proposals with four entities those figures significantly reduce to between $800 and $1640, saving each household thousands of dollars,” said Nanaia Mahuta.

“Local councils are trying to deal with the upkeep of ageing infrastructure, which is literally crumbling in some of our biggest cities. They face the additional strains of growing population, climate change resilience and extreme weather events, as well as competing for a limited number of skilled workers to do the job.

“It would be irresponsible to pour taxpayers’ money into propping up a broken system, or let households face unprecedented rises in water costs. Currently 43 of the 67 councils do not have the revenue to cover their water services operating expenditures at the moment, let alone once the infrastructure starts failing.

“As we recover from the impacts of COVID-19, we are helping accelerate our economic recovery through the creation of 6000 to 9000 new jobs and a boost to our economy of $14 billion to $23 billion over the next 30 years.

“For decades, councils have had to make difficult trade-offs between investing in these critical services or other services central to the wellbeing of their communities. These entities will have the sole focus of providing drinking, waste and stormwater infrastructure to the communities they serve.

Work is underway to establish a working group of local government, iwi and water industry experts to work through elements of entity design. The group will work through the enhancements to entity design and look at the governance and accountability arrangements of the entities, as well as provide an opportunity for public participation and consultation. 

“It is a bottom line for the government that the entities remain in public ownership,” said Nanaia Mahuta.

“We will continue to work with councils and ensure that local participation is evident in the critical next phase.

“As we look to next steps, I will be introducing legislation to progress the establishment of the entities. The Select Committee process will provide an opportunity to get public feedback on the reforms,” said Nanaia Mahuta.

“I also want to signal to those people currently working in water services across councils that this is a critical step to change to improve the status quo and we need all workers to be assured that their interests are very important to maintain continuity and continue to grow these skills in our communities,” said Nanaia Mahuta.

The Cabinet has also tasked the Department of Internal Affairs with establishing a unit to focus on the successful implementation of these reforms. This unit will work with the local government sector, iwi, water industry and other stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements. 

Pigeon Post News 

Three Months Salvage Operation Ends Near Golden Bay

Mistral Fishing Vessel

Early Wednesday July 14 at 2.39am rescuers scrambled to a distress call from the fishing vessel FV Mistral which had run aground at Kaihoka Point on the rugged west coast of Golden Bay.

The Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter pilot Tim Douglas-Clifford managed to airlift the solo skipper off the rocks.

The vessel which fishes out of Motueka became wedged between rocks.That was the beginning of a salvage mission that would end nearly three months later.

Tasman District Council Regulatory Services Manager Adrian Humphries was Regional On Scene Commander and pulled together the Oil Spill Response Team.

There were concerns that heavy oil, hydraulic fluid and diesel fuel could leak from the boat and contaminate the remote coastline, but an initial aerial inspection of the wreck site noted Mistral was fortunately upright and in good condition.

In discussion with the boat’s insurer, it was decided complete recovery of the vessel was too expensive and practically impossible.

Access to the wreck was difficult. It involved a two-kilometre quad bike ride from the nearest track then a 70-metre cliff climb, but nets, cables, ropes and other potential navigational hazards had to be cleared from the scene to make it safe.

Helicopters were called in to recover the debris, but this could only be done when the tides were right, and seven planned missions were thwarted by severe weather.

Specialised equipment was flown in, and the hull was pumped out, then more than 200 litres of heavy oil and hydraulic fluid were drained from the wreck. In the end around eight tonnes of gear was plucked off Mistral.

The cost of the recovery effort was close to $50,000 which was met by the boat’s insurer.

The only thing left of the boat now is its bare steel hull, firmly wedged in rocks below the Kaihoka Point cliffs.

Tasman District Council

             Pigeon Post News


Monday, October 25, 2021

Reminder from Tasman District Council Vaccinations and Testing —October 25th

Vaccinations are available this Labour Weekend Holiday at the following sites;

Māpua Health Centre (around the back): Monday 25 October from 10am to 4.30pm.

- Nelson: 16 Paru Paru Road.Monday: 9am to 5.30pm.

- Richmond: 253 Queen Street.Monday: 9am to 6pm.

Testing is available at:

Nelson CBAC: Saxton Field parking area, Suffolk Rd, Stoke

Open 10am to 6pm on Monday.

Formula 1 Max Verstappen Brilliantly Wins in Austin Texas

Honda Red Bull hybrid racing car Max Verstappen

He may have lost the lead at the start, but Max Verstappen never had any intention of losing the win in Austin – even with title rival Lewis Hamilton breathing down his neck for the closing laps. The Dutchman withstood the pressure in style and duly extended his championship lead. It was a drive worthy of the Driver of the Day award which he won.

Max Verstappen won a spectacular duel with title rival Lewis Hamilton in the 2021 United States Grand Prix, with Red Bull, Honda, gaining ground on Mercedes thanks to Perez’s podium finish third – and the championship leader Max Verstappen extending his lead to 12 points.

From second on the grid Hamilton enjoyed a stellar start off the line as the lights went out in Austin, and despite Verstappen squeezing him as far as possible down the inside to the run-up to Turn 1, the Briton gained P1 from the Dutchman to lead going into the race. Perez, starting third, followed and began to lose hundredths, then tenths, to the leaders.

Max Verstappen - Dutch winner

Red Bull championship hopeful Verstappen opened the pit window on Lap 11, pitting from medium tyres to hards, while Mercedes’ reigning champion Hamilton followed in on Lap 14 only to emerge second behind the under-cutting Red Bull driver. But there was another pit stop to come under the scorching Texas sun.

The second set of stops came when Verstappen came in on Lap 29 for another set of hards, his team mate Perez following – while Hamilton once again stayed out longer, holding a fragile 16-second lead over Verstappen. “We are racing for the win,” he was told by Team Principal Toto Wolff.

“Leave me to it, bro!” came Hamilton’s response. With an 11.5s lead, he pitted on Lap 37, stopped on his marks and was back out in second on new hard tyres – 8.8s behind Verstappen this time, for a chase to the chequered flag.

“It’s all about the last three laps,” Hamilton was told. And indeed, it was, as the gap to Verstappen didn’t start tumbling until Lap 41 of 56 when the leader encountered backmarkers. With five laps remaining, just 1.7s split the front two, and Hamilton was able to us DRS on Verstappen on the very last lap. But the Dutchman found just enough pace on his worn, hard compound tyres, and took victory – by 1.3s – with what team boss Christian Horner called a "classy" display. Perez Verstappen’s team mate took the final podium spot.

A dramatic win by Verstappon in Red Bull hybrid with his tyres ripped to bits but trying out great new technology  and batteries for our new electric cars to save the planet.

"We lost out in the start so we had to try and do something else, but the tyre wear is quite high around this track so we did go aggressive and I was not sure it was going to work, but yes, the last few laps were fun. A bit sideways through the high-speed corners but super happy, of course, to hang on.”

"They’ve [the fans] been incredible and it’s amazing first of all to be here, and second to see so many of you around the track. Hopefully we can do this for many years to come." – Max Verstappen, Red Bull.

Sergio Perez may have had a rapturous welcome here but there's more in store as his home race, the Mexican Grand Prix follows – with Red Bull having gained their 200th podium and their 73rd Grand Prix win at Austin Texas thanks to Max Verstappen. The Dutchman leads Lewis Hamilton by 12 points in the drivers' championship heading to Mexico City.

From left Luis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, Sergio Perez.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Nelson Market Open and Very Busy

Nelson Market October 23rd 2021

Nita Knight the Managing Director said “the Nelson Market is open today Saturday for Labour Day weekend but not Sunday”. All the stallholders were pleased to be open, some were overwhelmed with joy to have the public back again after such a long time.

There were crowds at the Market and surprising was the number of visitors to Nelson, probably here for Labour Weekend doing their shopping for Christmas. Visitors I spoke to were from Queenstown and Christchurch so a number of people have come a long way to see the Market and have a holiday up here for the long weekend.

Apparently, if the market goes well it could be open for weeks to come but the problem now is there is one case of Covid-19 in Blenheim which may affect alert levels. The public were very well behaved at the Market, all wearing their masks and scanning in.

There were special conditions in place for the Market, including a set entrance and exit from Trafalgar Street with the rest of the perimeter enclosed with a fence.

Definitely the public supported the Market. The most busy places were the vegetable stalls and the Wairepo Peonie Stand with customers lining up to be served.

Nelson Market Veg. stall busy

Nelson Market Busy

Nelson Market Wairepo Peonies Busy

Covid-19 in Blenheim

The Ministry of Health confirmed, on Saturday morning, that a weak positive case of Covid-19 was discovered in Blenheim on late Friday. No announcement has been made by the Ministry about any change in alert levels for the top of the South.

Certainly, this will show that the South Island is vulnerable just as the North Island and that people in the top of the South need to get vaccinated so that we can try as hard as possible to reach 90 per cent. We have to try hard so we have the best chance to shift alert levels that we now live with.

The current public health assessment is that the risk appears low given the individual’s likely late stage of infection.

So far, initial case interviews have identified a small number of close contacts, who have been contacted and are currently isolating with tests arranged.

Interviews are also being undertaken to determine any locations of interest. People living in the Blenheim township are asked to monitor the Ministry of Health’s locations of interest page, which is regularly updated.

We are also asking Blenheim residents with symptoms – no matter how mild – to please get tested, even if they are vaccinated.

Investigations into the source of the infection are underway. However, initial case interviews suggest the case is linked to the Te Awamutu cluster.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Fishing - Nelson October 21- Dolphins & Blue Cod

Barracuda mind the teeth

What a beautiful Richmond morning, just a little cloud, thinking of the Coast Guard, the weather was going to be good and life jackets were on. The water was so calm at the Nelson boat ramp, but there was a bit of anticipation for Captain Stevan while the new boat was slowly backed into the crystal clear water of the Nelson Harbour. Captain was on board to take control once René had gently driven the boat and trailer into the water. Would René stop and not sink the New Electric Car in the water? No, he backed into the water perfectly and was able to unhook the boat from the trailer without getting wet and slowly Captain Stevan slid the boat into the water, cruised slowly along to the side of the wharf while René parked the new car.

They were off slowly cruising out of the beautiful harbour through the Boulder Bank out into Tasman Bay, the sea was calm.

Started fishing out from the Boulder Bank, time went by then a few nibbles, twang does one rod, in it comes just a baby Shark, back it goes.

Wait, wait, wait, the twang again two rods go, another baby Shark and a Barracuda large jaw and teeth. Back goes the shark, the Barracuda (it’s an oily fish with lots of large bones but can be grilled, fried or smoked) let it go. Wait, wait.

They shifted further down the coast and more catches, baby Sharks, undersized Snappers, then some Spiny Dogfish a firm, white flesh fish that is moist and boneless, (probably the Northern Spiny Dogfish that are around the Cook Strait, the North Island coast, and the Chatham Islands, not the closely related species that are found in colder waters off the south and east coasts of the South Island at depths of 250 to 200 metres.)

As time went on more catches of undersized Snapper, then a pod of Korero / Dolphins, (the short-beaked common dolphins have buff-yellow patches on their sides and a tall dorsal fin) went flying by (see below.)Then a shoal of Blue Cod / Raawaru, things went mad, rods going left and right, quite a few were caught but only three to size. (They are a bottom-dwelling fish, mostly caught in pots.) It was a wonder any were caught at all, but Captain and René had to leave gliding back gently through Nelson Harbour thinking of the day they had.

Copyright  Pigeon Post News

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Reimagining Richmond South: Council to enable 2,000 new homes

A new project to help meet growing housing demand in Richmond has been approved by Council today, and local communities are set to play an important role in shaping the potential development.

Tasman District Council Planner Jeremy Butler is leading the Richmond South Structure Plan work and he is looking forward to learning more from locals about their vision for the area before any detailed planning begins.

“Locally, we need to provide for new buildings at scale within greenfield developments because, even with greater intensification within existing residential areas, we will not have enough dwellings to house everyone who wants to live here," said Butler.

“Richmond South was previously indicated as a potential urban growth area through the Nelson-Tasman Future Development Strategy 2019 (FDS 2019) and there is current strong interest in development. This area is likely to appeal to families due to nearby schools and work opportunities.

Butler said with the continuing high growth rates in the area, and no slowing in the demand on the horizon, the Council has a responsibility to look ahead.  With only a few years of serviced land available for development it is appropriate to start this process now.

“With today’s decision by Council for the Reimagining Richmond South project engagement to go ahead, we have an opportunity to work with the current landowners, neighbouring communities, and potential future residents to shape the Richmond South area and provide around 2,000 new homes.

“We will do this through the creation of a structure plan. This will be a detailed guide for how Richmond South should develop, looking at things like housing design and density, areas for business activity, how people will get around, where’s best for reserves and other spaces for people to come together, as well as the natural environment and valued cultural heritage.

“We will engage with local iwi and work closely with stakeholders to ensure the plan is well-informed. The vision for the area and design of the aspects that make up the structure plan will reflect community aspirations.

"Next week, any affected landowners will receive an invitation to be part of this structure plan project. We will also run open sessions with the wider interested public to ensure that the Richmond South of the future is a great place to live, work, and spend time,” said Mr Butler.

Butler recognised that the Richmond South land has productivity values but spoke to the critical shortage of developable greenfield land around Richmond and said this area is considered the best option for providing houses in a reasonable timeframe.

Tasman District is experiencing high rates of urban growth and housing shortages. The year to May 2021 saw a record 633 building consents issued for new dwellings.

However, house prices continue to increase and Councillors acknowledged the urgent housing pressures before approving the Reimagining Richmond South project.

The project covers the area from the current southern boundary of Richmond, southwards to between White Road and Ranzau Road, and into the foothills of the Barnicoat Range.

Tasman District Council Environmental Policy Manager Barry Johnson said the Richmond South structure plan and subsequent plan change is part of a wider Council programme of work to enable the provision of housing for our growing population.

“Alongside the Richmond South project, we will also be going through the process to enable more housing in areas in Brightwater, Māpua, and Motueka that were identified in the FDS 2019, and additional areas in Murchison and Wakefield.

Changing these areas to make it easier to create locations with higher densities will enable the best use of land already earmarked for housing and contribute to reducing the demand on additional productive land for houses.

“The plan change process for these areas will include full consultation with the current landowners and neighbouring communities,” said Johnson.

Tasman District Council is also working on the Nelson Tasman 2021-2051 Future Development Strategy that will set out where and how residential and business growth within Nelson and Tasman regions will occur over the next 30 years.

This project is in its third phase and has been accepting feedback and ideas on areas that may be suitable for future residential, business, and industrial land.

Feedback on suitable development land can be shared through the council website form before 26 October.

Longer-term, Johnson said his team are continuing work to replace Council’s current resource management plans with a new plan named Aorere ki uta, Aorere ki tai - Tasman Environment Plan.

“Our team has made good progress on the Tasman Environment Plan following input from locals who shared their experiences and views on the district’s issues and opportunities during our community engagement last year.

“We’ve been defining and investigating issues and options, gathering relevant technical information, and working with landowners on mapping that supports the plan. We will be back talking to our communities again next year about our draft options for how we grow as a district while caring for our environment,” 

What is a structure plan?

Structure planning is a type of spatial planning that takes a big picture view of an area and how it can best develop to meet the needs of communities while taking into account any constraints on the land. This requires research and technical assessments, as well as a need to understand desired community outcomes. This type of place-making is widely recognised to be preferable to ad hoc development. 

c Pigeon Post News

Quarterly benefit numbers show more people in work

Hon Carmel Sepuloni

Social Development and Employment

Benefit figures released today show a year on year fall of 9,807 people receiving a Main Benefit in the September Quarter. 

“The Government is working hard to tackle COVID-19 and it is clear our strong response to the initial outbreak has created a resilient labour market which is providing opportunities for people to move into work,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

“It has been a tough couple of months as our nation responds to the Delta outbreak, but today’s figures are encouraging. 

“One of the highlights is the record number of people who moved off a Main Benefit and into work for a September Quarter. The highest since records began in 1996, building on the trend we saw in MSD’s March and June reporting.

“The quarter also saw a record number of Māori find work with 9,753 moving off a benefit and into work. This is almost 3,000 higher than the previous record September Quarter in 2002.

“Another highlight is that a third of people who found work, had been receiving a Benefit for more than a year, showing the Government’s investment in front-line work focused case management is working.

“We are not out of the woods and we are keeping a close watch on the Delta outbreak.  We will respond with targeted interventions when we see needs arise,” Carmel Sepuloni said. 

c Pigeon Post News

King Charles III is to deliver Christmas message from former hospital chapel in break with tradition

The King, pictured at the Fitzrovia Chapel Credit: Aaron Chown/PA Wire   Monarch chooses ‘enchanting’ London location that reflects personal...