Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Behind the Agenda - Golden Bay Community Board

Behind the Agenda.  Golden Bay Community Board
 Shops May Open on Easter Sunday In Golden Bay Ward.

Well Golden Bay you have got what you wanted!  But, you still have some work to do.


Tasman Council did run an informal community engagement together with Nelson City Council, and a joint community survey was undertaken concerning Sunday trading. Golden Bay was the only area that supported Sunday trading by 65%. The Golden Bay Board requested from Council that it have the ability to consider an Easter Trading policy specifically for Golden Bay.

Full Council approved this request but had to retain the final approval by full Council and in August the Board indicated it would prefer to consult on a policy that allowed shop owners in Golden Bay to choose whether to trade on Easter Sunday. It was seen as important for visitors that go to Golden Bay over the Easter to have more choice.

Board Meeting 12 October:

The Golden Bay Board considered the Draft Easter Sunday Trading Policy For Golden Bay on 12​th​ October 2021 and approved the Draft Policy for the Golden Bay Ward to enable shops to trade on Easter Sunday and approved a public notice for public consultation between 29​th​ October and 5​th​ December 2021. After this consultation the Board will deliberate on the submissions and make recommendations to the Full Council for a final decision.

The Board will publicise the proposed policy through local media and make copies available on the Council website, Council service centres and libraries for the period of the consultation. So it is up to you in the Bay to put your submissions into the Board.

Copyright Pigeon Post News


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