Thursday, October 21, 2021

Spring has gone - Now the Real Garden Work Starts - save Money!

Spring has gone

By now gardeners in Tasman and Nelson you should have some Tomato plants growing and Labour Weekend is usually a good time to plant them out.

Other things to plant or sow seeds are sweet corn, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins and eggplants.

All the brassica seedlings can go in now: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale etc.

You can start kumara shoots in water.

Lay straw around strawberry plants and weed the garlic and I put straw around these as well as they don’t like weeds.

Don’t forget to put some seeds in of basil and plant other herbs.

Feed your lemon trees and a bit of lime twice a year they will love for it.

Put your bulbs in: Lillies and Dalias.

Any other tips or photos email me


Lemon Tree


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