Monday, December 20, 2021

Tasman District Council requires library staff to be vaccinated 


Following consultation with staff, Tasman District Council has released its Covid-19 vaccination policy. 

Tasman District Council has had a difficult job weighing the pros and cons of this policy due to the fact that there are many people in places like Golden Bay that have low vaccination rates.

The new policy, which applies from Monday, 20 December 2021 says all high-risk roles require staff to be vaccinated. At this stage, all roles in the Council’s libraries are considered high-risk, meaning library staff will need to provide evidence of full vaccination by Monday, 24 January 2022. 

The Council is also currently considering the introduction of the My Vaccine Pass (MVP) for its libraries, with a decision expected later this week. 

The Council has also decided that if the region moves to the Red Traffic Light setting, mandatory vaccination for all staff will be required and MVP entry for all Council offices and libraries will be introduced. 

In finalising the policy, a range of important factors were considered, Tasman CEO Janine Dowding said. 

“These included the relatively high rate of community vaccination uptake for the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board (NMDHB) area, the current number of vaccinated staff and the Government’s additional vaccination assessment tool guidance that was released on 15 December. 

“Our obligations as an employer under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) were considered, as were the obligations of every staff member to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and to ensure their actions don’t cause harm to themselves or others. 

“As an employer we would prefer all staff were vaccinated and we continue to encourage those staff not vaccinated to do so. The situation with COVID-19 can change very quickly and we need to be able to respond to any changing circumstances just as quickly.”

Pigeon Post News

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