Saturday, June 25, 2022

Three Waters Reforms
 Continues - Tasman District Council Providing Assistance - HAVE YOUR SAY!


Tasman schedules Water Entities Bill information webinars and drop in sessions 

Tasman District Council is helping both Rural and Urban Communities in Tasman, through the next stage of the Three Waters Reforms to enable you to have your say.  Here is a media release from Council:

To help our community understand and provide feedback around the current phase of Three Waters Reform, Tasman District Council is providing webinar and drop-in opportunities for the public to attend.  

The first of several pieces of legislation giving effect to the Government’s intention to establish a new model of three waters service delivery is being considered by Parliament. 

The Water Services Entities Bill provides for the establishment of four Water Services Entities to manage the delivery of drinking water, stormwater and wastewater services currently managed by 67 local authorities throughout the country.  

The Bill had its first reading on Thursday 9 June and was referred to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee for the next stage of the legislative process. This stage is where the committee, made up of MPs will consider submissions and make recommendations back to Parliament. 

You can follow the bill through the parliamentary process here

The Select Committee process is the main opportunity for you to have your say on the Bill. The Select Committee has called for submissions, closing on 22 July. You can make a submission by going to  

We would like to hear your views on the Bill before developing our submission – as well as providing you with the information to make submissions of your own.  

To support this, we are holding two public webinars on Monday June 27 and Tuesday July 5 – both beginning at 7pm. These webinars will be recorded and made available for viewing afterwards. 

We have also planned drop-in sessions at Richmond Library on Tuesday 28 June and Motueka Library on Thursday July 7 between 4.30pm and 7.30pm. 

We have space for you to share your views on the Bill on our website If you have already provided your views to councillors, please note these views will be considered as part of our submission.   

With more information and clarity now available since our initial webinar in September 2021, these upcoming webinars will provide an updated high-level summary of the Government’s proposals, around the Water Services Bill, while also explaining how you can make a submission to the Government and provide a forum for you to share your views or concerns with us.  

We want to remind everyone that the Three Waters Reform is a Central Government-led process.  

With further legislation around the wider reforms coming in the months ahead, especially around costs, delivery and affordability of future water infrastructure and services, we want to continue enabling the community to have their views passed on wherever possible. 

As well as this, we want to ensure our own feedback is influencing the best outcome for Tasman and the well-being of our community. 

Links to join the webinars and further information can be found at .

Pigeon Post News

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