Thursday, November 9, 2023

EDITORIAL:- Transport Choices Programme


Motueka about 1900 

Transport Choices Programme - Transport Safety Stalled: First Conspiracy Theorists Derail some of the projects now Waka Kotahi Freezes Funding

In a disheartening turn of events, Waka Kotahi has pulled the plug on funding for the Transport Choices programme in Tasman, citing the need for a clear direction from the new government. This abrupt stoppage comes as a consequence of the recent change in government, throwing a wrench into the gears of progress for the much-needed safety improvements in the region.

The Transport Choices programme, aimed at modernising centuries-old street layouts, has faced vehement opposition from conspiracy theorists and objectors resistant to change. This vocal minority, driven by baseless claims and unfounded fears, has succeeded in partly derailing a program crucial for the safety and accessibility of Tasman's streets.

One of the most alarming aspects of this opposition is that the objections are not only hindering progress but also jeopardising the safety of the most vulnerable members of the community—the young and the elderly. The old street layouts pose a significant risk to these demographics, emphasising the urgency of implementing the proposed changes.

Council Planners have invested considerable time and effort into planning the Transport Choices programme, with the aim of bringing Tasman's urban street layouts into the 21st century. However, the relentless objections from conspiracy theorists have not only disrupted the planning process but have also led to the exclusion of certain streets from improvement projects. Streets that could have been enhanced for safety are now left untouched due to baseless objections when funding was available to proceed.

The frustration is palpable as Tasman Mayor Tim King expresses his disappointment over the temporary halt to the programme, highlighting the missed opportunity to complete crucial projects before the change in government. He notes that the old street layouts not only impede progress but also compromise the safety of those who cannot or choose not to drive.

It is crucial to scrutinise the motives behind the objections from conspiracy theorists who seem determined to resist positive change. The safety and well-being of the community should not be compromised by unfounded claims and resistance to progress. The silent majority, whose interests lie in safer streets, must not be overshadowed by the vocal opposition.

As the community grapples with the repercussions of this funding freeze, there is an urgent need for collaboration between Waka Kotahi, the government, and local authorities to ensure a swift resolution. The resilience of baseless conspiracy theories should not hinder progress and compromise the safety of Tasman's residents. It's time to prioritise the silent majority and move forward with the Transport Choices programme for the betterment of the community.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, I’d really like to meet with you and sit over a cuppa and discuss what you repeatedly mean by baseless and conspiracy. If you look at the results in Mapua you can see there is more hindering than helping left as a result as will be with what is happening in Pah street. What would have been beneficial would have been the bypass that has been talked of for decades, now that would have created more safety for the vulnerable.
    Let me know if you are serious in your assertions and willing to meet up face to face.
    Kind regards, Jude.


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