Friday, November 3, 2023

NELSON AIRPORT - precautionary landing

Nelson Airport.

Originair Precautionary Landing After Indication of Possible Engine Fire 

Nelson, New Zealand - A potential incident raised alarms at Nelson Airport today as an Originair flight headed to Palmerston North reported an indication of a possible fire in one of its engines. Emergency services responded swiftly to ensure the safety of all passengers and the crew.

At approximately 1:30 pm on Friday, November 3, 2023, Nelson Airport received reports of an engine issue aboard an Originair flight en route from Nelson to Palmerston North. The aircraft had called in a fire indicator in its right-hand engine, prompting the airport's emergency response.

Fire and Emergency vehicles rushed to the scene around 1:20 pm following the call from the aircraft. Fortunately, the plane was able to land safely at Nelson Airport. Despite the initial concern, the spokesperson for Fire and Emergency reassured the public that there was no actual fire on board. The aircraft was thoroughly inspected to confirm the absence of any fire risk.

Upon landing, the airport's Rescue Fire Service met the aircraft and, together with the inspection team, verified the safety of the aircraft. In a collaborative effort, the local police and Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) provided support for the airport response.

While the incident resulted in some slight delays for departing flights, these flights have now resumed their schedules. Originair has taken prompt action to ensure passengers reach their intended destination by arranging an alternative service to Palmerston North today.

Passengers disembarked the flight safely after the precautionary landing. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of the airport's robust safety measures and the prompt response of emergency services in ensuring the safety of all travelers.

Nelson Airport and Originair continue to prioritise safety and maintain their commitment to the well-being of passengers and crew.

Nelson Airport Press Release.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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