Thursday, November 23, 2023

Nelson Airport tests it’s emergency response this Saturday

Nelson / Tasman Airport

Nelson Airport tests emergency response with planned simulation

23 November 2023

This Saturday 25 November, Nelson Airport's Rescue Fire Service will conduct a full-scale emergency exercise in partnership with Fire and Emergency New Zealand, Police and Hato Hone St John.

Involving 80 to 100 emergency service personnel and volunteers, the exercise will simulate an aircraft crash landing. The airport will remain fully operational during the exercise, so there won’t be any disruption to normal services or activities.

Nelson Airport Senior Rescue Fire Officer Matt van der Heyden said the airport was required to conduct a comprehensive emergency exercise every two years under Civil Aviation Authority rules.

“The exercise is a chance to test our response efforts, emergency plans, procedures, equipment and communication systems. Fortunately, events such as the one we’re practising for are extremely rare, but that makes simulations such as this even more important to ensure we are prepared to respond should the need ever arise.”

The exercise will begin at 10.30am and is expected to be complete by 2pm.

“There will be controlled live fire and smoke, as well as additional emergency service traffic and activity around the airport,” Matt said. “This is no cause for concern, it is all part of the exercise and has been carefully planned over several months leading up to this Saturday.”

Matt said the area would be very busy with emergency vehicles and personnel and asked the public to refrain from creating congestion in the area by coming to watch.

“We need to make sure the area is kept clear for those participating and other airport tenants who will be continuing to operate their businesses as usual.”

Nelson Airport Communications Manager, Beth Catley.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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