Friday, November 17, 2023

Dart Ford Status Update - Pigeon Post News Breaking News Alert

Dart River Ford - Temporary fixed by Tasman District Council. Photo credit Tasman District Council.

🚨 UPDATE: Dart River Ford Now Open with Caution 🚨

We bring you an important update on the Dart River Ford closure. The Dart Ford has now been reopened with temporary repairs, allowing limited vehicle access. However, it is essential to exercise extra caution when attempting a crossing, particularly if the river is overtopping the concrete. The temporary repairs are in place while permanent solutions are being planned and implemented.


Vehicle Access to Wangapeka Track - Closure Update - Pigeon Post News Special Report

🚨 ALERT: Dart River Ford on Wangapeka River Road Temporary Repairs Implemented🚨

In a crucial development for backcountry enthusiasts, the Dart River Ford on Wangapeka River Road has recently been reopened with temporary repairs, though extra caution is advised until permanent solutions are in place. The closure, initiated due to a structural issue identified in the old forest service structure, had impacted access to the Kahurangi National Park through the Wangapeka Track.

During the closure, which was necessary for Council contractors to investigate and devise a repair method, backcountry traveler's were urged to plan for an additional 7 km walk from the Dart Ford to Prices Clearing near the Wangapeka Track's starting point. Extreme caution was recommended when crossing the river on foot.

For those reliant on mobile communication, it was emphasised that there is limited to no mobile phone coverage along the Wangapeka River Road. The Department of Conservation (DOC) prioritised the safety of all traveler’s during this period and urged them to stay informed about the closure's impact on routes, alternative access points, and any additional safety precautions.

As the Dart Ford is now open with temporary repairs, traveler’s are reminded to approach the crossing with caution and adhere to safety guidelines until permanent repairs are completed. TDC and DOC appreciates the cooperation and patience of all backcountry enthusiasts during this transition and encourages everyone to stay updated with further announcements from the Tasman District Council. Safe tramping! 🏞️🥾 #DartFordOpen #BackcountrySafety

The Wangapeka Track. Photo credit DOC.

Tasman District Council and DOC.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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