Monday, December 4, 2023

Great News from Council that coastline from Mot to Riwaka going to improve

Motueka Coastline. File photo.

Exciting Developments as Motueka's Coastal Environment Receives a Boost

Motueka, 04 December 2023

In a promising turn of events, Motueka's Wastewater Treatment Plant is making a remarkable recovery after two months of dedicated attention and meticulous care.

Back in late September, engineers from the Tasman District Council detected signs of a malfunction in part of the filtration system at the plant. Although it was still operational, it wasn't performing at its peak efficiency.

According to Mike Schruer, Waters and Wastes Manager, the issue lay in the membranes responsible for removing remaining bacteria and minute particles before the water is discharged. Despite the challenge, the council took swift action, temporarily resorting to the pre-2016 system, pumping treated water into an adjacent soakage area where it naturally filtered through the ground.

In response to the situation, a collaborative effort with iwi, Public Health, and the Ministry for Primary Industries implemented a rāhui, restricting the collection of fish and shellfish from the affected coastal area. This joint effort successfully minimized potential impacts.

Mike Schruer delivered the uplifting news that brand-new membranes, generously provided by Marlborough District Council, have been successfully installed and are operating efficiently. This development has allowed the cessation of water pumping into the soakage area.

"We conducted regular water quality testing at various locations around the plant, and we are delighted to report that laboratory results revealed no significant increases in bacteria levels following the emergency pumping program," shared Mike Schruer.

While awaiting results from the forensic analysis of the old membranes to determine the cause of their deterioration, Schruer remains optimistic. The decision on when the rāhui will be lifted is pending, bringing hope for a brighter and healthier coastal environment from Motueka to Riwaka.

Tasman District Council Comms.

Pigeon Post News.

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