Monday, May 6, 2024

Looming changes forecast for Tasman District Council's 10 Year Plan

 Changes looming for Tasman District Council's 10 Year Plan


5 May, 2024

Tasman District Council’s Chief Financial Officer Mike Drummond has advised the Council of recent information that may have an impact on the decision-making within the Council's 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.

"We are advising ratepayers, and especially those who have made submissions on its Long-Term Plan/Tasman’s 10-Year Plan, that due to circumstances largely outside of its control the proposed rates revenue increase of 9.6% may increase by between 2 and 3 percent," Drummond said.

This will a create a new starting point for deliberations by Councillors later in the month.

"While still below the national average of proposed rate revenue increases, we considered it was important to inform residents as soon as we were made aware of the increased cost pressures and the possible impact on rates.

"We feel it is particularly important to make this information known before the submission hearings start on 8 May."

These cost pressures include:

  • Increased costs of funding water services maintenance.
  • Increased costs associated with the Waimea Community Dam.
  • Downturn in forecasted revenue from building consent activity.
  • Higher costs for water supply maintenance.   
  • Increased insurance costs.
  • A materially higher 2023/24 year end deficit particularly in building control and transport spending, due to storm costs

While no decisions have been made by Council, these additional cost pressures may have an impact on the final rates revenue increase depending on the decisions the Council makes in its final deliberations following the hearings that begin on 8 May.

While the consultation period has closed, those who are already making their submissions at the hearings scheduled to start 8 May, may like to amend their submissions in light of the new information.

"This latest information provides a new starting point for the Councillors deliberations and should not be seen as the final resting point for the rates revenue increase", concluded Drummond.


Further information is available at:

Tasman District Council, Communications.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Motueka  Marine Farm exclusion zone 

If you must enter the marked area, keep a good lookout and keep your speed to 5-knots. You can read more about our local marine farms here:

Tasman Harbourmaster implements direction for Marine Farm buoys exclusion zone off Motueka 

2 May, 2024

Safety concerns have prompted Tasman Harbourmaster to issue a direction implementing an exclusion zone beyond a marine farm located in Tasman Bay, near the Motueka River.  

This notice comes into effect from Thursday 2 May 2024 and will remain in place until further notice. 

Mussels farmers at the site have identified an issue around sunken lines refloating intermittently.  

A large number of lines have been found on the surface so far and we are working to assess the extent of this issue as well as re-weighting all sunken lines so they cannot refloat again. 

Unfortunately, there have been several instances where vessels have collided with unmarked lines. 

The Tasman Harbourmaster’s Office is now checking on the safety of these farms. 

“When we say intermittently, a line could be on the surface for some time and then sink below the surface for a time. We have been closely monitoring the farm, but it has been very difficult to find intermittently floating lines,” Tasman Harbourmaster Pete Renshaw said. 

“This means a boat may go through an area in the morning with no issues, and then coming home they get fouled on a line. 

“We want to ensure the safety of everyone on the water or operating within our coastal boundaries – Marine farms are work sites that undergo daily changes and multiple hazards can exist.  

“The task to remedy this situation may take some time, so we ask that extreme care is taken when in the waters around marine farms, and stay well clear if your presence is not necessary.” 

“As soon as we understand the extent of the issue – the sooner we will be able to lift the notice.” 

The marine farms are reserved areas and are marked with cardinal markers (buoys) which indicate safe water.  

All vessels not involved with the commercial operation are to remain outside of the farm reserve area bounded by the cardinal marks and yellow special marks, as noted in the map above.

Tasman District Council, Communications.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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Weekend Weather News

 May begins on the cooler side with southwesterly winds 


Covering period of Thu 02 - Mon 06 May

We’re inching closer to winter and MetService is forecasting temperatures on the cooler side for the first two weeks of May due to winds generally approaching from the southwest. However, settled conditions are forecast for most of the country this weekend, so even if the morning is chilly, a lot of people will be in for a sunny afternoon.

Most parts of Aotearoa will feel the cold southwest winds today (Thursday). Although the winds ease on Friday this is when waves are expected to peak around coastal areas. A large southerly swell is forecast for Wellington from Friday afternoon into Saturday. Gradually the coastal conditions will ease over the weekend as winds tend to be on the lighter side. 

The southern end of the South Island is most likely to see showers on Friday but come Saturday the risk of rain decreases and most of the country will be in for a dry day. However, the clear skies and light winds mean chilly starts to the day. Parts of Central Otago will likely drop below freezing but it’ll be southern parts of the North Island which are in for the biggest departure from norm. Paraparaumu starts Saturday off around 4°C which is about five degrees below average for this time in May.

MetService meteorologist Lewis Ferris states, “for most of the country, Sunday will look much the same as Saturday but people north of Waikato will need to keep an eye on the forecast as there is a band of moisture hanging around which could mean a soggy day for some. This rain isn’t associated with a well-developed weather system so it’s very likely the forecast details will change as we get closer to the time.”

The new working week kicks off with another burst of southwesterly winds moving up the country so expect showers and cool temperatures to make another appearance.

Bottom Line from our May Outlook: A dry and cold opening fortnight for most of the country, despite a notable burst of rain on May 1st. Westerly fronts return with regularity over the second half of the month and rainfall distributions look more like normal for late Autumn. Recall May is typically a wet month in NZ, so even with a drier than normal outlook overall we will still see a number of wet days, especially from mid-month.


Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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