Friday, December 3, 2021

Covid-19 testing Nelson - Tasman Today

Covid - 19 Testing Station Saxton Field


If you need to have a Covid - 19 test below are the venues where you can have this test within Tasman and Nelson on Friday 3 December.

There are 10 new cases in Nelson-Tasman today, but one will be officially added to Friday's figures as it was reported after the 9am cut-off.

This takes the number of active cases in the region to 14. These cases are made up of two clusters, with 11 in one and three in the other. A possible connection between the two clusters is being investigated.

Two schools in Nelson, Enner Glynn School and Broadgreen Intermediate, have recorded cases. Both schools have temporarily closed while a risk assessment is undertaken and close contacts are identified. Next steps will then be agreed with the Ministry of Education.

Four new locations of interest in Nelson were added to the Ministry of Health website on Wednesday afternoon. People in the Nelson-Tasman region are asked to check this page as it is updated regularly.

If you are not vaccinated, now is the time, as vaccination is the number one defence against COVID-19. Your DHB or local health provider will have plenty of opportunities to make this happen. 

Testing and vaccination centre locations nationwide can be found on the Healthpoint website.  

Community Testing Centre

Testing is free for people with COVID-19 symptoms in the Nelson Marlborough region. If you are unsure of whether you should get a COVID-19 test, call Healthline for advice: 0800 358 5453. 


Saxton Field parking area, Suffolk Road, Stoke, Nelson:

  • Friday 3 December: 9am to 8pm

Trafalgar Centre carpark, Paru Paru Road, Nelson:

  • Friday 3 December: 9am to 6pm


Richmond Showgrounds, 359 Lower Queen St:

  • Friday 3 December: 9am to 8pm


Motueka Recreation Centre, Old Wharf Rd:

  • Friday 3 December: 9am to 5pm


The Marlborough Urgent Care Centre is providing COVID-19 testing between 1pm-4pm daily. 

Other testing options: 

It would be advised to phone these places before going in so they can prepare for you.

Testing is also available for free from your GP clinic, after-hours medical centres or iwi health providers. There is no consultation fee if you need to get a COVID-19 test. 

Pigeon Post News (Tasman Nelson)

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Tasman clarifies Vaccination Pass entry requirements for Council facilities under Covid Protection Framework Orange

CEO Tasman District Council Janine Dowding

Vaccine Pass Requirements under Covid Protection Framework Orange

The CEO of Taman District Council Janine Dowding has said “that moving into the  traffic light system under the COVID-19 Protection Framework  is going to mean a period of adjustment for us all – those providing services and those accessing them.

She said “All our Council Customer Service Centres, libraries and most Council-owned community and recreation centres will be open and won’t require a vaccine pass for entry. 

"However, a small number of our multi-use venues will require a vaccine pass, including the Richmond Aquatic Centre. Where this is the case, the list below outlines the requirements and the reasons for them. 

It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive and is subject to change due to any centrally driven changes in response to the management of the pandemic. All updates will be available on Council websites. 

All Tasman District Council Customer service offices and libraries in Richmond, Motueka, Takaka, Murchison will be open without the need for My Vaccine Pass (MVP) for entry. 

Motueka Recreation Centre:

Will be open with the following restrictions – groups will be limited to 50 people in each room to maintain 1 metre distancing with masks needed except when exercising.  Entry into the gym within the facility will require a My Vaccine Pass (MVP). 

Motuere Community Centre:

Will be open with the following restrictions – groups will be limited to 50 people in each room to maintain 1 metre distancing with masks needed except when exercising.  Entry into the gym will be through the external door only and require a My Vaccine Pass (MVP). 

Golden Bay Recreation Centre:

Will be open with the following restrictions – groups will be limited to 50 people in each room to maintain 1 metre distancing with masks needed except when exercising. 

Murchison Community Centre: 


Will be open with the following restrictions – groups will be limited to 50 people in each room to maintain 1 metre distancing with masks needed except when exercising. 

The Richmond Aquatic Centre:

As a multi-use facility with a gym and a café will require a My Vaccine Pass (MVP) for entry. 

Janine Dowding went on to say “if you prefer not to access our services in person, our Call Centre staff are available 24-7 via phone (all our service centre numbers are available on our website) and there are a range of ways you can do business with us online too. Head to for more information, or email 

Tasman District Council during this process like everyone trying, working and operating in the traffic light system they are going to try their best in this new environment.

Ask any restaurant owner or facility organiser in Tasman and they will say it is not going to be easy operating in the traffic light system.

We the public know it’s not going to be always easy. The Council ask “ that people please be mindful of that (as Council) expect our staff to be calm and respectful in all their interactions and we ask the same in return from everyone accessing our services and facilities." 

"As a provider of public and essential services, we’re committed to keeping our services and facilities accessible to as many people as possible while complying with the public health requirements of the Orange traffic light setting. 

Pigeon Post News

Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Nelson A&P Show - 20 - 21 November 2021 - Wood Chopping


Golden Edge Nelson A&P Show at Richmond Park

Nelson A&P Show

Axemen and Axe Women

The crowds that usually attend the large Golden Edge Nelson A&P Show at Richmond Park were absent this year due to Covid restrictions.

It hasn’t dulled the enthusiasm of the participants who come to the show to compete in various events. The Nelson show continued to go on for its 127th year.

For many participants, the Nelson event was one of the only shows left on the calendar for 2021 as most of them have been cancelled completely.

This year there were no children’s rides, no sheep to cuddle and no poultry.

The number of exhibits submitted by the school children in various categories (Children’s & Youth Schedule) was surprising and of high quality. 

Participants came from all over the South Island to attend the Nelson A & P Show even though only families of those people taking part could attend. 

Only Family members could attend

There has not been a year like this since 1893 when the Nelson A & P Association was founded, to promote and encourage agricultural and pastoral activities. 

The year of the influenza outbreak and during World War II there was a break in having the A&P show and now with the flip flop world we are living in there is a reduced event, no public could cheer on the participants, a lot of whom travelled a long way to compete in the events. 

It was pleasing to see such a large contingent of parents attending to support the participants young and older who took part.

It was a challenging year for the Nelson A&P Association, but they were able to run their annual Show despite being in a reduced format. Even though the show was cut in size the A&P Staff, Committee, Volunteers, Stewards, Marshalls and Judges, put a great deal of work into this year's event with the support of all the sponsors and clubs behind the scenes.

A lot of events were still put on, like Shearing and Highland Dancing on Saturday and the events happening all weekend; the Wood Chopping competitions, the TOTS mounted Equestrian Games, the animal competitions (including the normal Equestrian Section) and all the usual indoor competitions  - Cookery, Horticulture, Photography, handcraft, the children's Competitions and the Wine & Beer Competitions.

On Saturday the Show was quiet and by Sunday all the food stalls had gone except for the coffee vendor and there was just a slow trickle of visitors to see the Children's competitions.

Wood Chopping Competition:

The Nelson Axemen's Club are the organisers behind the Wood Chopping Competitions at the Nelson A&P Show. The Woodchopping event is the largest in New Zealand with local participants and men and women coming from all over the South Island and some from the North Island.

Woodchopping is a heritage sport that dates back to the 1870’s. Starting in the New Zealand forests which was an early breeding ground for some of the country's most rugged axemen and sawyers. Those pioneering athletes held contests among themselves to see who were the best at felling trees and processing logs. These events form the basis of the sport as it is known today.

Some say that as a sport, woodchopping is more traditional to New Zealand than rugby. 

Parts of the weekend's action can be seen on the Nelson Axemen’s Club Facebook page.

On their Facebook page the Nelson Axemen’s Club thanked their sponsors from this year's A&P show and to all their sponsors who give them continued support without which they couldn’t put on such events.

In New Zealand, the sport doesn’t have a big following, with just 300-350 odd competitors, and it needs more people to ensure it doesn’t die out.

Over the weekend at the Show it was great to see so many young men taking up the sport. Seven in the restricted division were there on Saturday and eight on Sunday.  Toby Godsiff-Sulden from Golden Bay (see Photo)  was one young man in the restricted division who was there all weekend. The youngest of the restricted is only 13.

Toby Godsiff-Sulden

These young men tore into the wood despite being significantly younger than any other axemen.  I think some of them have fathers who are woodchoppers as well.

The restricted young men taking part in the woodchopping during the A&P Show were J Airey, T Godsuff, B Fisher, A Greig, R Terry, L Greig, O Mackenzie and C Robinson.  

Throughout the weekend there were about 50 axemen and axe women taking part in the competitions.

The axe women taking part were Emma  Shore, Emma Ridell, Ash Bradford and Lae Nadler.

Nearly all races are run using a handicapping system whereby the better axeman gives a head start to their less experienced competitors. Each axeman is given a ‘mark’ which denotes the number of seconds he or she has to wait before they can start.

You hear the axemen starter call “Okay, axemen, are you all ready? Righto, axemen. Axemen, stand your blocks,” words that haven’t changed for decades. Then he counts off the starts: “One, two, three…”

Ross Birchfield, one of the starters during the weekend at the Show, a 48 year member of the Nelson Axemen’s Club, said “that the Creighton Brothers Memorial Standing final was won by Ray Briggs of Richmond.

1st Ray Biggs.   2nd Stephen Winter   3rd  Jesse Whitehead  4th Adam Lowe

Also the Alec Headley Memorial Chop final was won by Dave McEwen.”

1st Dave McEwen 2nd Ray Biggs. 3rd Kyle Hedley  Ribbons presented by Cheryl Hedley

Jigger board Chop:

In order to fell a large tree it was often necessary to get above the roots and other growth at the tree’s trunk. To do this the axeman would stand on a perpendicular board (jigger board) wedged into slots cut into the tree trunk. Several boards would be used to climb to the required height. 

In today’s competition 2 or 3 boards are used to climb to a maximum height of around 2.5 meters. This event requires a lot of precision and skill and is normally the last discipline an axeman learns.

On Sunday the axemen were competing in the jigger board chop in the rain which I’m sure took extra skill. The guys chop up the poles, boards going into axe notches, climb down retreating boards, then up again with new axe notches and finally chop off the top.

The wood chopping community usually attracts a large crowd but only family were there last weekend to cheer them on.

It attracts the public as it is a thrilling sport which takes a unique combination of athleticism and technique together with power and strength as well as the ever present danger element.

Menzshed  Volunteers: 

The guys from the menzshed were at the woodchopping all weekend helping to clear away the wood after every chop. It was a hard, constant and demanding job to make sure the grounds were clear for the next chop.

Menzshed Men cleaning up

Pigeon Post News 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Nelson A&P Show 20 - 21 November 2021 - Richmond Park, Richmond, Tasman.

A Very Quiet Two Days at the Nelson

A & P Show Without the Public

The crowds that usually attend the large Nelson A & P show are absent this year due to Covid restrictions, nevertheless it hasn’t dulled the enthusiasm of the participants who come to the show to compete in various events.

The number of exhibits submitted by the general public and school children in various categories is still surprising and of high quality. 

Participants came from all over the South Island to attend the Nelson A & P Show even though no public could attend only families of those people taking part in events.

I don’t think that since 1893 when the Nelson A & P Association was founded, to promote and encourage agricultural and pastoral activities, has there been a year like this one with no public to cheer on the participants, no children playing on rides and no cues for coffee or food. It was pleasing to see such a large contingent of parents and friends attending to support the participants young and older who took part.

The President of the Nelson A&P Show Ted Ford said "Since 1893 there has only three interruptions to the running of the show, in 1918 the show was postponed to February 1919 due to the influenza epidemic which had resulted in the newly built Grandstand being used as a temporary hospital. The next two interruptions occurred in the 1940s when the show was cancelled due to World War ll as the 7th Squadron of the Independent Mounted Rifles took over nearly full use of the Showgrounds from 1942 until 1944 making the running of the Nelson A&P show unfeasible for 1942 and 1943."

The following are photos of three events that took part on the 20th - 21st  November 2021 A & P Show the Highland dancing, the sheep searing compition, and paintings and other mediums from children.

The Highland Dancing

 'Seann Triubhas'

In the late 18th century, the dance was performed to a fiddle tune called 'Seann Triubhas Uilleachan' (Gaelic for 'Willie's old trousers'), previously and more scurrilously called 'The De'il Stick the Minister'. When the dance began to be incorporated into Highland Dance competitions, which were usually played for by pipers, the tune was changed to 'Whistle O'er the Lave o't', which could be played on the bagpipe and is the tune commonly used for the dance today.

In contemporary competitive Highland Dance, after dancing three to four steps, the dancer will clap, which signals the piper to speed up the music.

The Seann Triubhas is now danced at most Highland Dance competitions around the world. Dancers usually start dancing it in the Beginner category at competitions, and continue to dance it up to Premier. This dance is also common in most Highland and Theory exams. Dancers wear the standard kilt outfit to perform this dance, though it historically had been performed in tartan trews as well. ( Ref: Wikipedia)

Jessica Radka (Under 14 Dancer) Christshurch


Emmgen Brown  (Senior) Christchurch.

Emily Smith (Senior) Christchurch.

From left to right: Emmgen Brown, Pete Greenslade, (Mail senior ChCh), Emily Smith,  Jessica Radka.

Highland Dancing Prizegiving, November 20 2021 Nelson A & P Show
Photo thanks to Anthea Lees.  The only extra name I have other than those named above is the fourth from the left in front in this photo: Sean Radka (Junior Dancer Christchurch)

The Highland dancing was very skilled and well performed. It would have been a hard job sorting out the winners as they were all superb dancers and I'm sure their parents are so proud.

The full results for all winners will be on the Nelson 

A & P Show web site from Monday on.

Other Highland dancing

Other Highland dancing

Sheep Shearing Competition

I was only at the shearing for the intermediate final on the 20th November 2021. Three shearers were competing one woman and two men. Jimmy Napier from Riversdale, Southland, Kimberly MacLean from Motueka, and Timo Hicks from Tapawera. They all had a hard job shearing very non-cooperative sheep but they all had the skills to achieve a hard shear.

Kimberly MacLean

Jimmy Napier (Standing in blue singlet at the rear) he has just finished.

Timo Hicks

Paintings and other mediums:

There have been hundreds of entries to the above competitions in the show from school children and very few people to see the very high quality of work.

Preschool First:  Zoe Allison

Animal Portrait Y 1- 3  First: Marion Hyslop

Y4 - 6 First: Charlotte Ching:

Still Life Y 4 - 6 First: Charlotte Ching:

Any medium not paint Y7 - 8 First: Emma Egan:

Any medium - not paint - Secondary First: Judah Ashton:

Painting - Secondary First: Carly Morgan:

Drawing - Secondary: First and Hall and Scott Trophy: Cassie Cameron:

Drawing Year 7 - 8 Emma Egan:

Primary - Intermediate - Secondary School Handcraft:

To be continued later in the week:
Pigeon Post News

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Lunar Spectacle not seen since 1212 - November 19 2021


Long Lunar Eclipse starting over the Richmond Rangers, Richmond, Tasman.
Photo by Stevan Poldar.

Last night stargazers were able to see the longest partial eclipse visible from New Zealand since 1212

This incredibly rare lunar spectacle, had not been seen in the sky in more than 800 years.

The longest partial lunar eclipse visible in New Zealand since the year 1212 started at 8.20pm NZT, when the shadow of the Earth began to move across the moon’s face. It was 97% covered with shadow by 10pm. At that moment, the lunar surface briefly turned red. The near-total eclipse finished its three-and-a-half-hour journey just prior to midnight.

Most of the eclipse was dominated by the shadow of the earth moving across the moon, with a brief period where it appeared as a blood micro-moon in the night sky.”

There are two main reasons this is a rare event, the first being that it is a partial eclipse, but also because of where the moon is positioned in its orbit.

The moon is at apogee, which means it’s at the farthest point from Earth in its orbit. The moon’s orbit around the Earth is not a perfect circle, it’s an ellipse which means as it goes around, it comes a little bit closer and then, as it swings around, it goes a little bit further away.

The moon moves slower at this point, and this is why there was an unusually long partial-eclipse. 

The sky was clear last night, Friday 19 November 2021, for all to see, from Tasman and Nelson, the slow moving earths shadow crossed the moon. With binoculars it was exceptionally clear to see the blood micro-moon.

Pigeon Post News 2021


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