Friday, July 22, 2022



Dellows Bluff west of Murchison ROAD OPEN 8AM SATURDAY 23 JULY.  Photo thanks to Tasman District Council

 TASMAN DISTRICT COUNCIL have advised this afternoon the 22 July that:  

Waka Kotahi has advised that following extensive safety work, State Highway 6 at Dellows Bluff west of Murchison will reopen by 8am tomorrow (Saturday 23 July).


The road was closed following a major rockfall early on Wednesday morning. Initial indications are that tree roots and water ingress into the fractured cliff face caused the massive boulders to fall. This has left further fractured rocks overhanging the cliff face at risk of falling onto the road.

Temporary protection will be in place that will allow people to use the road safely. Contractors have been building a stone-filled container wall in the northbound lane to protect the existing road shoulder. This means all traffic will be able to move through the section of road while work continues to stabilise the rockface.

On July 20 the Dellows Bluff section of State Highway 6 west of Murchison was closed. Photo thanks to Tasman District Council.

A permanent fix for the rockfall risk will take some time to complete, meaning only a single lane will be available initially. However, the intention is to get two lanes open as soon as possible. 

If you have any further questions, reach out to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency - South Island.

Pigeon Post News

Tim Skinner formally announces standing for Nelson Mayoralty

Tim Skinner

𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

As we near the time to elect a new Council I look back on what has been a difficult and challenging year for many Councillors to achieve unity. This has been compounded by the unfortunate interference of party political interests around the Council table. The effect of that on democratic decision making has been devastating.

And even more challenging for our community organisations and local businesses navigating the last two years, trying to plan with the uncertainties that may still lay ahead.

As a senior councillor, with a rewarding nine years experience representing our city, the public have always been able to depend on my consistent and common sense decision making.

It is now time to serve the community even further, providing solid no-nonsense leadership and direction to improve our environment, facilitate economic development, bring back genuine engagement with our community, and foremost improve the wellbeing and health of our community.

Thus I am today announcing my standing for Mayor and I am asking Nelsonians to support my election as we strive for a better future for our City.

I have never stood on the fence, nor have I ever shied away from listening and championing our people and local businesses.

As proven, from wood-burners, pensioner flats, prudent spending of your rates, developing our community gardens and self sustainability, progressing our sports facilities, youth parks, mountain-bike and recreation hubs, reviving the arts, culture and heritage strategies, to establishing the $7m budget over 10yrs for protecting our established native forests in our public reserves, to pushing back against the handover of your Three Waters assets.

We have an incredibly diverse and beautiful city, populated by an amazing and resilient people.

I am devoted to improving the welfare of all citizens.

And as Mayor I will continue to be an approachable representative for all people and our region, and will remain at all times forthright in ensuring a healthier Nelson for all to flourish.

Pigeon Post News

Thursday, July 21, 2022

EVENT - TREE PLANTING - The Motueka Catchment Collective

The Motueka Catchment Collective 

The Motueka Catchment Collective tree planting

The Motueka Catchment Collective is planting 5,000 trees across the catchment to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and have a few planting days coming up over the next week. All are welcome. Come prepared for planting and bring your own spade. Pre-register your interest in attending so they can provide you with more information including the physical address and contact you if there are any changes:

Planting days:

  •  Saturday 23 July, 10am, Stanley Brook.
  • Saturday 23 July, 10.30am, Woodstock.
  • Tuesday 26 July, 10am, Upper Stanley Brook Road.

Pigeon Post News

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Britain on course for hottest day on record 

A member of the Queen's Guard receives water to drink outside Buckingham Palace in London, July 18, 2022. REUTERS

LONDON, July 18 (Reuters) - Britain was on course for its hottest day on record on Monday with temperatures forecast to hit 40C for the first time, forcing train companies to cancel services, schools to close early and ministers to urge the public to stay at home.

Much of Europe is baking in a heatwave that has pushed temperatures into the mid-40s Celsius (over 110 Fahrenheit) in some regions, with wildfires raging across tinder-dry countryside in Portugal, Spain and France.

Britain's government triggered a "national emergency" alert as temperatures were forecast to surpass the 38.7C (102F) recorded in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden in 2019 on Monday and Tuesday.

"We've got a difficult 48 hours coming," Kit Malthouse, a minister in charge of government coordination, told BBC radio.

London's metro network imposed temporary speed restrictions for Monday and Tuesday, meaning it would run a reduced service with journeys taking longer than normal. It urged commuters to only travel if essential.

The national rail network also urged passengers to stay at home and said some services - including a key route between northeastern England and London - would not run during parts of Tuesday.

Jake Kelly from Network Rail said he hoped normal operations would resume on Wednesday, when temperatures are forecast to fall, but that would depend on "the damage that the weather does to the infrastructure over the next couple of days".

The government urged schools to stay open but many were due to close earlier than usual, normal uniform demands were ditched and end-of-term sports days were cancelled. Some schools were shut, resorting to lockdown-style online lessons.

Monday, July 18, 2022

News from the Police

Tasman Police

Ute stuck in the Waimea River. Photo Police

Successful water rescue, Appleby

A man has been successfully rescued after his vehicle became submerged in the Waimea River earlier this morning.

At around 6:30am Police were alerted to a ute stuck in the water, near Appleby Bridge.

The water was reported to be up over the bonnet and rising.

The man sought refuge on the back of his ute while he waited for emergency services to attend.

He was successfully extracted by the Swift Water Rescue Team shortly after 7am.

The man had no apparent injuries, but was very cold and being checked over by ambulance staff.

Plans to recover the vehicle are underway.

Police want to make special mention to everyone who assisted in the man’s successful rescue.

Update: Missing Maruia Falls swimmer

Police can now release the name of the man missing at Maruia Falls.

He is Mikhail Buchanan, also known as Mikhail Anderson, 26, of Christchurch,.

“This continues to be an incredibly difficult time for Mikhail’s family and friends, and we want to be in a position to provide them with closure,” says Nelson Bays Area Commander Matthew Scoles.

Searching continued over the weekend and included searching of the river bank, camera searches of pools that were unable to be accessed by the Dive Squad due to conditions, and a chute downstream of the falls. However due to water conditions visibility was an issue throughout the weekend.

“Over the past 10 days the search teams have been confronted with considerable challenges due to the weather and river conditions but have made use of all search windows available,” says Inspector Scoles.

“This has included searches of the river by the Police National Dive Squad, Nelson Dive Club, Swift Water Rescue Team and Nelson Surf Rescue, and onshore support and bank searches by Police Search and Rescue members."

In total teams have searched the area of the falls and about two kilometres downstream.

Police expect to reassess in the coming days and determine whether further searching is possible in current conditions.

Appalling driver behaviour disappoints Nelson Police

Nelson Police are appalled at the driving behaviour of some motorists following an operation on State Highway 6 Whakatu Drive on the weekend.

During the three-hour operation across Friday and Saturday nights seven people were processed for drink driving and 12 notices issued for excessive speed and insecure loads.

Nelson Bays Road Policing Acting Senior Sergeant Tyson Martin says those caught speeding were often inexperienced young drivers breaching their licence conditions and carrying passengers. Depending on the offence a restricted or learner driver could be liable for an infringement fine, have their vehicle impounded or licence suspended.

He says Police have previously detected high speeds in the area so we will continue to target road users who create a risk on our roads.

In the past year, Police have attended multiple crashes, as well as 119 reports of insecure loads on Whakatu Drive and the Richmond Deviation alone.

“The flow-on effect of an insecure load dropping onto the motorway creates serious hazards to vehicles and occupants and can significantly reduce commute times,” says Acting Senior Sergeant Martin.

“Please slow down – secure the load on your vehicle or trailer – and do not drink and drive.”

A reminder to make a report to 105 if you see any unsafe driving with as much detail as possible. If there is an immediate safety risk call 111.

Pigeon Post News

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Keep Motueka Beautiful working bee

 EVENT:  Thorp Bush Motueka Saturday 23 July - KEEP MOTUEKA BEAUTIFUL

Thorp Bush Motueka         Photo Supplied

There will be a Keep Motueka Beautiful working bee on Saturday 23rd July from 9.30am to 12.30pm at Thorp Bush - third time lucky we hope! Facebook noted due to weather.

We will be planting up the south (drier) side of what was the turning circle, as well as some infill planting, so meet at the far end of the driveway (past the playground).  It will be muddy so dress appropriately.  BYO spade if you can, but we will have some available. Morning tea will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you. KEEP CHECKING FACEBOOK

Pigeon Post News

News in Brief

News in Brief

Salisbury Rd Richmond - works in progress



The $2.48 million project to replace a 60-year-old water main on Salisbury Rd has been finished well on time according to Fulton Hogan. 

As part of the Salisbury Rd project, the 150mm cast-iron water main – constructed in the 1950s – has been replaced with a 200mm pipe for about 770 metres along one side of Salisbury Rd, from William St to Templemore Drive.

The last connection was made on Thursday 29th of June and I have been advised that there are only new pedestrian crossings to be completed and tidy up work to be done.

According to Fulton Hogan there hasn’t been a major disruption to the traffic as was suggested in some media “ traffic has been getting through constantly.”

Fulton Hogan has been awarded the construction contract after their work on the Salisbury Rd roundabout upgrade won an award for completing ahead of schedule and with slick traffic management.

Originally scheduled and budgeted over three financial years, councillors agreed to bring this project forward providing the full budget in this financial year. 

“A delayed construction start will most likely result in a price increase,” the Council report says. Richmond ward councillor Kit Maling said “bringing all the work forward should make the project less disruptive as we do it once and do the whole lot in one go rather than disrupting traffic three times, as I understand it”.

Council made the correct decision in having this project completed in one go and now the water mains have been completed before time by Fulton Hogan.



A nice big shoulder going in for the raised pedestrian and cycle crossing outside Waimea Intermediate School. Photo Pigeon Post News

Along with the work in the above article Fulton Hogan are replacing the 1950s pedestrian crossings on Salisbury Rd with their award winning pedestrian and cycle crossings.

Schools, residents, and cyclists in the area will be pleased with safer crossings on this road. Salisbury Rd provides access to an early childhood centre and several schools including Waimea College, Waimea Intermediate, St Paul’s and Henley Schools

Commuters will be happier with these very visible crossings on such a busy road and will make their commute easier with the growing number of commuters on this road every year.

Fulton Hogan’ diggers took no time in getting rid of the 1950s crossings and those horrible large hard rubber speed cushions. They have gone! I’m sure you have noticed. 

Rubber speed cushions photo Pigeon Post News

If you drive along Salisbury Rd everyday I'm sure you are aware of it. The experience was like hitting a mountain trying to climb over those speed cushions. I'd concentrate so much on the bumps that I would forget about the pedestrian crossing!

I was walking along Salisbury Rd a couple of weeks ago hunting for this article and came across Tori, Anna and Hayden from Fulton Hogan. They were very busy, but I had a chat and they confirmed that they were starting on the first of the new raised pedestrian crossings outside Waimea Intermediate School. 

From the left Tori, Anna and Hayden from Fulton Hogan starting the first of the new crossings.  I was told by Anna that Tori is an ace on the digger.

There are two raised crossings being installed along this section of Salisbury Road similar to the crossings on the new award winning round about at Salisbury Road and  Champion Road intersection.

Half of the first crossing in place. Photo Pigeon Post News

Richmond ward councillor Kit Maling said “these very important crossings are at the two school entrances where there are three schools with over 2700 young people” and he added “I will always take advise about keeping people safe.”



The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum have reminded us that it is time to start thinking about any repairs you need done. 

It’s time to get out your repairs ready for July 16th at the repair cafe at ReStore in Tahunanui 10am - 1pm. Plenty of parking.

Nelson Central



The symbol represents extinction. The circle signifies the planet, while the hourglass inside serves as a warning that time is rapidly running out for many species.

This is the symbol for an international climate change group Extinction Rebellion who were demonstrating last Friday outside the Nelson City Council building.

There were only three adult protestors and children. 

They said that they would be gearing up their demonstrations towards the Local Body elections and were mainly demonstrating for the future of their children.

Central Nelson. Photo Pigeon Post News

They said that the Nelson City Council has declared a climate emergency but nothing has happened since.

They believe that traditional strategies like petitioning, lobbying, voting and protest have not worked due to the rooted interests of political and economic forces. Their approach, and the approach of the group worldwide is therefore one of non-violent, disruptive civil disobedience – a rebellion to bring about change, since all other means have failed.

It was quite a calm protest on Friday, but there were a few jeers from the public.

From their international website their stated aims are:

1/  Tell the truth. Governments must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.

2. Act now. Governments must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.

3. Go beyond politics. Governments must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.



The Maitai River a few years ago. Photo from Judy Marsh

I was in Nelson the other day having a tooth out and after, which was probably the worst thing to do, I decided to have a coffee by the Maitai riverside, yes from the Riverside Cafe.

I was sitting on one of the city benches having my coffee and a cigarette feeling a bit sorry for myself and watching the river and dogs go by with their owners. Then all of sudden a very nice man came up to me and gave me a bunch of flowers, obviously picked from a roadside garden.

I was somewhat taken aback, but quickly realised this elderly gentleman just wanted a chat. 

We sat for while and somehow we just clicked and conversation flowed. I brought him a cup of coffee and a long sad story unfolded.

He said he was homeless. I could have guessed this from his clothing and he was carrying a couple of bags.

His sad story unfolded as though he hadn’t told anyone for years. I just can’t explain it all here as it’s too personal.

Michael is gay, homeless, has AIDS and no family to help him. He moved from Auckland years ago to Nelson where he has lived a homeless celibate life for years. Helping out at the shelter at dinner times every day and a lot of the time sleeps rough. During the day people give him food and he collects toys and flowers for the children.

I wondered why he had a bag full of soft toys.

As the 69-year-old is homeless, he said he finds it difficult managing his condition and managing the pills he should take.

He gave his flowers to me, what a wonderful gracious gift. I soon forgot about my tooth.

It reminded me of Stuff reporter Hamish McNeilly from Dunedin in his posts in ‘The Mish’. He wrote a story about ‘Little John’ (not his real name) a man who lives in a cave.

Little John a homeless man has lived in a cave for decades and he told Hamish how he found solace in the cave on the outskirts of Outram, west of Dunedin.

“Coming to the cave was a way to escape all the evil that was going on,” the 57-year-old told Hamish as he walked a few kilometres to the site Little John calls home.

“It is more of a bedroom and a place where I am comfortable ... but

I’m still part of society.”

Little John, a nod to Robin Hood’s companion with a distinctive hat and feather, is regularly seen thumbing rides between Outram and Mosgiel, where he picks up food parcels to survive on.

“I’m not living off the land, I’m just living in the land because it is a beautiful place to be.”

He drinks water from a nearby stream, and once had a pet possum he named Joanna for company, before it was killed by pest control contractors.

His little slice of civilisation includes a makeshift drop-off box: a red hat at the start of a track where people leave him supplies – including a child who used to leave him lollies on a rock.

Credit to Hamish McNeilly Dunedin ‘The Mish’.

Nelson Tasman

Event:NELSON/TASMAN: Regional strengths and how iHemp fits in - For you hemp growers!

About this event:

Hosted By NZ Hemp Industries Association - NZHIA. The event will explore hemp’s economic and sustainability potential by looking at regional strengths and how industrial hemp can be utilised in the Nelson Tasman region.

Online or in-person:

This event will be available for you to attend either in-person or online using the zoom option. You may choose which option you would prefer when registering.

General admission (in-person) $15.00

Virtual live-streaming $10.00

Date and time

Mon 25th Jul 2022, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Mahitahi Colab
322 Hardy Street, Nelson 7010, New Zealand

The Mahitahi Colab was created with the vision of collaborating to support and inspire clever business, innovation and talent in Nelson Tasman.


You can obtain tickets at this link:


Join us from 7:00pm for networking then the event will formally commence at 7:30pm.

7.30 pm Welcome and presentation starts

7.35 pm Introduction/What is iHemp

8-9.00 pm Speakers

9.00 pm Q & A and panel discussion

10.00 pm Event finishes

More about the event:

How can hemp be used in FARMING:

The Event will explore hemp’s economic and sustainability potential by looking at regional strengths and how industrial hemp can be utilised.

How can hemp be used in the FOOD INDUSTRY:

Seeds for food and utilising local circular economy by-product streams to make new and innovative products. Hemp seed nutritional products for humans and animals as well as seed multiplication for northern hemisphere hempseed companies. Future uses of hemp leaf, sprouts and roots.

How can hemp be used in the FIBRE INDUSTRY:

Investment in decortication and primary processing would enable enterprises to scale and enter markets for high and low tech industrial uses, producing a diverse variety of end products such as geotextiles, apparel fabrics, construction materials, and composites. Collaboration with other primary sectors, such as forestry and wool.

How can hemp be used in the HEALTH Industry:

Female plant cultivation for the emerging health and wellness industry, utilising minor cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids as high-value fractions from locally grown crops for global niche markets. Working with Manuka, Kawakawa and other native botanicals grown in New Zealand.

Event speakers:

Richard Barge (NZHIA)
The NZHIA Chair presents a history of hemp in Aotearoa New Zealand and a new iHemp industry for Nelson/Tasman.

Jo Say (HBA) Founder of the Hemp Building Association of NZ.
Jo is developing NZ's first hempcrete subdivision, in Nelson.

Brian Kindilien (Puro NZ)
NZ Medicinal Cannabis Industry – A Grower’s Perspective.


Event: Movies in Māpua Packhorse Cinema - Perhaps Sprig & Fern first!  

Put on your warm cloths - you may save your Cinema!


The Pack-house Cinema will be showing the movie Submarine on Sunday, 17 July at 6.30pm in the Mapua Community Hall.

It’s a bring your own drinks, your own seat, and your own Jaffas affair.

Some of the community make a night of it and go to the Sprig & Fern for a meal first at around 5pm-ish. If everyone turns up for a meal you may have to reserve a table.

All income from this event will go towards the Mapua Community Hall!

Movie starts at 6:30, doors open at 6:15pm

At last month movie showing there was an audience of only ten paying customers which is not even enough to pay the licence fee for the movie. 

If there are not sufficient audience numbers this month, the organisers may not be able to carry on showing movies at the Mapua Hall.


The tale of Mary Wallis (Wallace) nee Coster. It is a June morning in 1842.”…..

Mary Anne Wallis buried in Motueka

A true Pioneer of Tasman Mary Wallis. 

The story of Mary Anne Wallis who arrived in New Zealand with her husband John Coster in 1842 and settled in the Nelson region. Her husband was killed in the Wairau affray the following year, leaving Mary a widow with a young baby daughter. Deciding to persevere in New Zealand, Mary opened a grocery and supply store. The following year she married Richard Wallis. As well as raising eleven children of her own Mary and Richard went on to open a home for orphaned and "ill cared for" children in Motueka. The Wallis family children's home also known as 'Hulmers' operated from 1867-1887.


Storm Nathan


27 September 2018

Link to the story

Pigeon Post News

Looming changes forecast for Tasman District Council's 10 Year Plan

  Changes looming for Tasman District Council's 10 Year Plan   5 May, 2024 Tasman District Council’s Chief Financial Officer Mike Drum...