Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council have commented on Social Media and Antenno about the upcoming storm from today Tuesday
A Northerly flow is drifting down onto Nelson, Tasman and the West Coast |
Tasman District Council:
"A significant rain event is expected to hit from the early hours of Tuesday morning through to Thursday evening.
Current forecasts are for large rainfall totals and for some rivers to reach beyond 5 to 10 year flood levels. With the expected rise in groundwater levels, particularly on the Waimea Plains and in Golden Bay, surface flooding will impact on some roads and stormwater and potentially sewer capacity.
Landslips are also likely to occur. If there are heavy rainfall bursts of 20-30mm per hour on a regular basis the event may escalate to major road closures.
If people are planning to travel over the three days from Tuesday afternoon it may be wise to make contingencies or delay the travel until there is a better picture of what is actually happening.
Drivers, please think about your actions and don’t drive at speeds that cause waves to wash onto neighboring properties.
Inspect the gutters and stormwater grates around your property. Sweeping the leaves away could make all the difference to the effectiveness of the stormwater system.
Major utilities, as well as all emergency services, are as prepared as possible to deal with the outcome of the heavy rain including roading teams on standby and major work in rivers being put on hold.
At present Civil Defence is in a monitoring mode as the full effect of the event may not be felt until Wednesday evening, although now is the time to prepare.
If you know your property is prone to flooding, please consider keeping your own stock of sandbags on hand.
Council does not provide sandbags to private properties. However, supplies to make sandbags are readily available at DIY and landscaping suppliers.
If you are in danger or your property is under immediate threat, please contact emergency services on 111.
Updates will be provided via Nelson Tasman Civil Defence and Emergency Management either through the Facebook page or online at nelsontasmancivildefence.co.nz as information becomes available.
You may want to consider filling and placing sandbags. For more information about sandbags, check out our website: https://bit.ly/3Pp3Mzy."
Tasman Rural need to consider rising rivers and moving stock to higher ground.
Nelson City Council has advised:
"Doing your part to look after your household or business stormwater system ensures our network has the best chance to cope with the expected heavy rain and minimise stormwater overflows and surface flooding.
Severe weather is on its way for the Nelson region. Flooding is expected. If you live near water or in a low-lying area, you may want to consider obtaining sandbags or creating waterproof barriers.
Slips and river, tidal and/or surface flooding is possible in areas.
Please make sure you're prepared:
- Drive to the conditions, or avoid driving, if possible.
- Secure outdoor furniture.
-Check drains and gutters are clear of debris
-Consider filling and placing sandbags. Properties located near water or in low-lying areas should prepare for flooding.
Sandbags take time to fill and place and are best to sort before weather strikes.
Visit our website for more information on sandbags
Council staff are currently preparing for the situation.
Heavy rainfall this winter has left many of our reserves very wet, and the coming bout of rain will likely cause slips and fallen trees.
Please take care and postpone any walks or rides until the ground has dried, both for your safety and to keep tracks in as good of a condition as possible. Some tracks may be damaged or inaccessible.
We will provide further updates on the weather as they become available."