Phase D water restrictions implemented for Eighty-Eight Valley, Wakefield moves to C
22 March, 2024
From Monday 25 March, new water restrictions will come into effect for those on Council-managed water supplies in Wakefield and Eighty-Eight Valley.
Tasman District Council’s Waters and Wastes Manager Mike Schruer says the dry weather conditions across the area are continuing to put our streams, rivers and groundwater levels in decline.
While the recent augmented release of water from the Waimea Community Dam has enabled urban restrictions to be lifted in Richmond, Brightwater, Māpua/ Ruby Bay and Redwood Valley, other water management zones are being monitored closely to ensure we meet our consented abstraction rates.
Water users on the Dovedale supply are currently on Phase D restrictions.
The Wai-Iti dam has now dropped to about 25% full and water release has been throttled back to conserve dam storage and to keep the Wai-Iti river hydrated for as long as possible.
In order to comply with new rationing levels within the Wai-Iti catchment decided by Tasman’s Dry Weather Task Force, Phase D restrictions will be implemented on Eighty-Eight Valley customers.
The Council is currently rationed to 80% of its consented limit from the source that supplies Eighty-Eight Valley water scheme. This, in turn, means we had to initially impose ‘Phase A’ restrictions on customers.
Everyone has complied and thank you for your efforts to conserve water use thus far.
Unfortunately, with continuing dry weather and river flows in the wider catchment in decline, further restrictions have to be put in place.
This means we cannot extract more than 65% of Council’s consented limit from the source water so downstream waterways can continue to flow.
If the Council does not meet the Stage 2 restriction requirements of the DWTF and dry weather continues, we may have to impose further restrictions on customers and go to Phase E.
Council will be imposing Phase C restrictions on Wakefield supply customers.
The Wakefield supply is being supplemented by the Brightwater supply and therefore does not have such urgency to reduce usage but we do need to ensure that the Wakefield groundwater aquifer is protected as far as possible.
Thank you for your co-operation as we try to negotiate this very dry season and minimise environmental impacts.
Further information on restrictions is available here - Current restrictions - reticulated | Tasman District Council
Under Phase C
- Wash your car using recycled grey water only.
- Do essential outdoor washing for safety reasons, using a bucket only.
- Water your flowers/trees/planters every second day only with a hand held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, watering systems on a timer or a bucket. Watering listed protected trees is allowed using these methods.
- Water your veggie garden and fruit trees every second day only with a hand held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, watering systems on a timer or a bucket.
- Water the lawn.
- Fill or top up a pool, spa or water feature.
- Use water for play.
Under Phase D:
- Wash your car using recycled grey water only.
- Do essential outdoor washing for safety reasons, using a bucket only.
- Water listed protected trees every second day only with a hand held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, watering systems on a timer or a bucket.
- Water your veggie garden and fruit trees every second day only using a bucket only.
- Water your flowers/trees/planters.
- Water the lawn.
- Fill or top up a pool, spa or water feature.
- Use water for play